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Protect Your Wedding Gown on Your Wedding Day

Your wedding day will be one of the most memorable events of your life but, in the whirlwind of the day, you may not give much thought to protecting your dress.

Whether you've purchased the gown of your dreams or are wearing a family heirloom, your wedding gown will always hold a very special place in your heart. And, if you hope that someday your daughter will wear it, then you may want to take some precautions to protect it from the obstacle course it will run on your wedding day.

Here are some pre-wedding tips to keep your dress in tip-top shape.

It's a good idea to have cotton shields sewn into the underarms of your gown as the excitement of the day may cause you to perspire more than usual. Be sure to apply deodorant that contains an antiperspirant to control odor as well as moisture.

Some flowers have color-intensive stamens which can stain your dress. If you are set on having such flowers in your bouquet, ask your florist if the stamens can be removed.

When getting in the limo, be certain your skirt is all the way inside the vehicle before shutting the door.

If you will be traveling with your gown, make arrangements in advance to have a reputable bridal salon get the wrinkles out. Not everyone knows how to properly handle a wedding gown, and many fabrics should never be steamed.

Your gown will be most vulnerable at your reception. Many a gown has been decorated by a guest's red wine or a drip of salad dressing. As careful as you are, mishaps happen. In the event of a stain, try masking the spot with baking soda, cornstarch, baby powder or chalk (some of the items that should be in your wedding coordinators emergency kit). Never use white out, shoe polish or any other permanent treatment.

Always bustle your gown or lift your train as you walk around. If yours is a gown with a long skirt or train, ask your attendants to help you going up stairs, through doorways, or getting out of your vehicle. Even if your wedding venue appears pristine, that floor is not as clean you might think...your train will act like a great big dry mop that will slide around and "mop" the floor!

Be cautious, but have a fabulous wedding day!

Maria Brady, former dancer and choreographer, is the creative voice behind Choreographed Events.

Today, as a member of the Association of Bridal Consultants, she stages weddings and parties the same way she approached theatrical productions - making sure that the bride and groom (stars) shine and live out their dreams, and she indulges the senses of the guests (the audience) making them go home wanting more. Learn more at

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bridal Shower Decoration Ideas
By []Anne-Marie Killer

Decorating for your friend or family member's bridal shower can be a fun event for you and the bridesmaids who are in the wedding. A few fun ideas to consider include:

• Themed bridal shower. For example, if your friend is a Mexican food fanatic, you may want to make the bridal shower reflect a Mexican theme. Buy inexpensive fiesta bowls and plates, streamers, maracas, sombreros, piñatas, and other décor to use both to serve food and to decorate the food table. You can also buy a "salsa" CD to set the mood for the shower as guests begin to arrive. Give the bride her own sombrero to wear that shows people she is definitely the bride!

• Traditional bridal shower. For a more traditional approach to the bridal shower, you can purchase plates, napkins, streamers, and balloons that match the colors of the bride's wedding. Ensure that the cake reflects the same theme-with accent colors that match the colors of the wedding. Lighting white candles or candles that are the same colors as the wedding will add a nice touch to the décor of the shower.

• Lovefest bridal shower. For a bridal shower that is more romantic, you may want to incorporate lace tablecloths, true silver, silverware, fine china, candles, and flowers (roses or those that match the bride's wedding are good). Put in a CD that has some of the older love songs playing to set the mood. You may want to have this type of shower in the early evening so that the candles reflect the romantic venue of the shower as the sun is setting.

• Couples bridal shower. Include the groom! This type of shower can be fun, and can help you incorporate some more "masculine" décor. For a couples' bridal shower, you might consider incorporating different pictures of the bride and groom (from the time they were babies on up to present day) scattered throughout the room. Have a "regal" place for them to sit, and give them each a crown or other head ornament to designate they are the "bride" and "groom". This type of shower can be less formal, and may include a BBQ or potluck supper to celebrate the upcoming wedding for the bride and groom.

Overall, decorating for the shower can be hard work, but your hard work will pay off when the bride walks in and sees all that you have done to make her day as special as possible.

Anne-Marie Killer is the webmaster of where she provides a huge selection of high quality printables for ALL ages & ALL occasions for FREE. You'll also find some GREAT party game ideas at []Perfect Party Games.

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